The Best Conversion Rate Optimization Tools for Every Test [Part 4 of 4]

Eric Kazda  |   October 25, 2017   |  Posted in Lead Generation

Testing your CRO strategy is one of the most important components of the entire process. Without the right conversion rate optimization tools to help you test your hypotheses, you won’t have enough data to prove success. We’ve compiled some of the best tools within each testing sphere to help you get the most out of your CRO strategy.

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Data

Quantitative data includes the numbers and analytics behind your tests. Qualitative data revolves around people and the ‘why’ behind their behavior. For a successful CRO strategy, you’ll need to utilize both types of data in your testing.

Analytics Tools

Reviewing Analytics on a Laptop

Our favorite tool for tracking website numbers is Google Analytics. This free tool allows you to place a tracking code on your website and receive valuable data in return. Here are some popular statistics to track in your Google Analytics dashboard.

  • Unique visitors
  • Pageviews
  • Bounce rate
  • Average time on page
  • Average number of pages in one visit
  • Direct, social, and referral sources

User Surveys

If you have a question about why a visitor didn’t click, or what part of your website speaks to them the most – why don’t you ask? Instead of guessing why a user behaved in a certain way, provide an on-site survey to get the definitive answer. One on-site survey application many experts swear by is Qualaroo.

User Testing

If a user cannot verbalize why they acted in a certain way, there’s other methods to gain that information. Instead of just asking them, you can actually set up ways to see exactly how they’re moving throughout your site. For some of the most detailed user testing results, you could use a tool like This service actually records real users as they navigate your site. They can tell you exactly what they’re thinking as they click. This can give valuable insight into the mind of a prospective customer.


Heatmaps are another visual tool where you can see how users are clicking and scrolling throughout a site. The heatmap will turn red where the most clicks occur. WPBeginner created a list of their favorite heatmap plugins for a WordPress site. Read the list here.

A/B tests

One of the most popular ways to test users is by serving up two different designs of the same page. For example, if you’re trying to figure out what landing page gives you the most conversions, you may design two separate landing pages. These could incorporate any of the possible changes we talked about in our previous article, like text or visual changes. You then make each page live to track how users interact with the different designs. Whichever page has the better results can be the final version going forward. Many experts recommend using a tool like Optimizely to start A/B testing.

Testing Best Practices

In order to get the best data from your tests, remember to follow these best practices.

  • Collect data before you create a strategy or test that strategy. You’ll need a baseline on which to prove your success or failure.
  • Start small and work your way up. Get a handle on using each tool until you try a new one. You want to make sure you truly understand each data set and testing tool before you add another to your arsenal.
  • Don’t use any tools until you have a plan in place. Make sure you’re using these tools with specific tests in mind. One of the biggest mistakes you can make while implementing CRO is testing without purpose.

Read all the articles in our CRO Series.

1) Understanding CRO: Defining Conversion Rate Optimization

2) The Basic Four Steps to A Successful CRO Strategy

3) 5 Simple CRO Changes Anyone Can Test

You’ve made it to the end of our conversion rate optimization series! You should now feel confident to test your own CRO strategy. Let us know in the comments what CRO changes you’ve made on your website that have helped you reach your conversion goals!

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Eric Kazda

Eric Kazda is a leading expert in the interactive development industry with over fifteen years of experience. With a mastery of critical development technologies, Eric has crafted innovative award-winning work for clients both large and small. Coupling this knowledge with a real world understanding of usability and technological feasibility, his work is developed to be accessible by every user.